I am a web designer based in Portland, Oregon. I provide creative, artistic and professional solutions for websites. I offer web design, research and development, as well as graphic and print design services.

Adam Kozie Bio Photo


I got started in web design through making band posters, logos and custom graphics in Photoshop. I first did this work for artists and musicians that I knew and performed with, and I was eventually hired to do promotional design for a production company. I took classes to improve my ability with design software, and decided to expand my design skills into the web arena.

I hold certificates of web design and development from Seattle Central College and a BA in music from Cornish College of the Arts. I work freelance as a developer, designer and web consultant.


My work, my thinking and my client list all skew toward the artistic. I like to build websites that look clean, modern and striking, always emphasizing the user experience.


My clients over the years have included Scarlet Rivera, Janet McGiffin, Prime Time Media, Sound Transit/The Roadhouse, Eileen Rose, 2 Jeffs On Music, Alchemist Casting, Block 41, The Blue Mouse Theatre, Emerald City Accordion, Forró In Seattle, En Canto, EntreMundos Quarteto, Froglegs Kids Culinary Academy, Tristan Gianola, Adriana Giordano, Robin Holcomb, Wayne Horvitz, Lloyd Jones, Kitsap Opera, Chava Mirel, The Rabbit Box Theater, The Royal Room, LeRoy Jewelers, Two 9 Design, Westside Music Academy and more.

Websites I’ve built and/or redesigned include scarletriveramusic.com, janmcgiffin.com, prime-timemedia.com, theroyalroomseattle.com, theroadhouse.art, lloydjonesmusic.com, eileenrose.com, robinholcomb.com, bluemousetheatre.com and 2jeffsonmusic.com.
